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Career Services is pleased to announce that since September 2, 20 new jobs, 8 new internships and 7 part-time opportunities have been made available to Ithaca College students and alumni.  Full descriptions and application information can be found on eRecruiting.

Full Time Jobs

•    Advertising Account Coordinator | New York Post    
•    Application for New String Project Sites | National String Project Consortium    
•    Assistant National Bank Examiner | Comptroller of the Currency    
•    Assurance Associate Fall 2010 | PricewaterhouseCoopers    
•    Business Manager | NewsChannel 9 WSYR-TV    
•    Computer Systems Manager | City of New York Financial Information Services Agency    
•    Conversational English Teacher in China | Chinese Culture Center    
•    Head Start Teacher | Tompkins Community Action    
•    MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL | Grand Island Central School District    
•    Occupational Therapist | RehabVisions    
•    Physical Therapist | Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Institute    
•    Physical Therapist for Houston, TX | Murdock Recruiting, Inc.    
•    Physical Therapist | The Children’s Annex    
•    PT for Petersburg, VA | Murdock Recruiting, Inc.    
•    Senior Planner | Central New York Health Systems Agency (CNYHSA)    
•    Special Ed Monitor Elmira Road F/T | TST BOCES    
•    Special Ed Teacher - Elmira Road F/T | TST BOCES
•    Teach & Travel China | IES Global    
•    TV News Reporter | NewsChannel 9 WSYR-TV    


•    Assurance Intern Summer 2010 | PricewaterhouseCoopers    
•    Burns Entertainment & Sports Marketing Internship | Burns Entertainment and Sports Marketing  
•    China Internship Program | IES Global    
•    Feature Film Producing & Finance Internship | Tower Hill Entertainment    
•    Internship | Interactive Sports Network, LLC    
•    Internship | US Senate race/Special election 2010 NY    
•    Tax Intern Summer 2010 | PricewaterhouseCoopers    
•    Sports Marketing & Communications Intern | Interactive Sports Network, LLC    


•    Childcare Provider - Teacher Aide Hourly | TST BOCES    
•    CNA Part-time | Kendal at Ithaca    
•    Head Start Support Aide | Tompkins Community Action    
•    Health Care Dining Attendant Part-time | Kendal at Ithaca    
•    Health Care Dining Attendant Per Diem | Kendal at Ithaca    
•    Hotel Bellperson/Shuttle Driver | Hart Hotels Inc.    
•    LPN Per Diem | Kendal at Ithaca

Click here for a list of upcoming application deadlines for jobs and internships in eRecruiting.

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Career Services Announces: 20 New Jobs, 8 New Internships and 7 Part-Time Opportunities! | 0 Comments |
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