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The retreat is held off-campus and transportation, meals, lodging and participant materials are provided at no cost to the participants. The group will depart from IC Campus Friday morning, October 9, and return Sunday afternoon, October 11th. Interested students should complete the application and submit it before Thursday, September 24, 2009, to be considered for participation. Applications are available online at . This program is open to all Ithaca College students regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, socio-economic status, and physical or learning ability. As one past participant noted, “Everyone has a cultural identity. At first, I wondered why some people were chosen. I soon understood.” For more information email us at |
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push you to apply. This experience opened my eyes when I was a student -
so much so that I jumped at the chance to help plan past CCLRs!
You will meet people from all over campus - and discover that even though
we all have our unique identities, we also have many things in common. Take
this opportunity to go off campus, have real conversations in a safe
environment, and find a core group of people who are working to make IC a
safe place to learn about and accept diversity.
When you return - you'll join other students who have attended CCLR, and
are working for change. PAST CCLR participants: chime in and share what you
enjoyed about this retreat.