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If you enjoy singing regardless of your skill level and want to be part of a fun, low-key singing group, please read on... 

voICes is an employee chorus in its 8th year at Ithaca College. The group is comprised of administrators, faculty, and staff and is under the direction of Dr. Susan Avery. voICes will be starting our fall semester rehearsals on Tuesday Sept. 22nd from 4:30-5:30 in Music Ed Suite Room 1207 (lower level of building). Our regular rehearsal times will be every Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 and every Thursday from 12:00-1:00. There are no auditions and no experience is necessary! The only requirement is that you enjoy singing and want to have fun. For more information about rehearsal times, location and other fun stuff, visit our website at:

Employee chorus looking for new members | 0 Comments |
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