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John Finn, an environmental engineer who specializes in the cleanup of subsurface coal tar contamination, will present a discussion of his work and career at the Environmental Studies & Sciences Department's environmental seminar series next Tuesday, 22 September at 4:00 pm in CNS 112.

John Finn has worked for 25 years in environmental remediation engineering and program management, both in the US and with sustainable development programs in Cambodia. He currently lives in Ithaca and practices in a group of five senior consultants who specialize in the cleanup of subsurface coal tar contamination at historic coal gasification sites throughout the Northeast. In addition, he has recently completed studies in applied theology, is an ordained minister in the Anglican tradition, and is studying environmental ethics as a visiting scholar at SUNY Cortland.

This event is open to the IC community - please join us!

GOT TAR? Notes on a Career in Environmental Remediation | 0 Comments |
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