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Conference Opportunity

Contributed by Terry Martinez on 09/17/09 

The Finger Lakes Bioneers will sponsor a conference to be held at Ithaca College from October 16th - 18th, which is during fall break. 

The mission of Finger Lakes Bioneers is to establish an ongoing conversation that transcends the barriers of geography, class, race, and generation to co-create a shared future based upon sustainability and social justice. Together they are offering the We  Make Our Future <>conference as a regional venue for that conversation. 

The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs will sponsor registration for up to 10 interested students on a first-come, first-served basis.

There is also an opportunity for students who are interested in completing a volunteer project.  It is a great opportunity for students to learn new information and to practice leadership skills.

For conference or volunteer information, please contact Nancy Jacobson at

For registration sponsorship, please contact Terry Martinez at

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