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Tuesday Salon, Jason Hamilton, "Reclaiming Sustainability"Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 10/04/09
Sustainability was developed as a human-centered idea; however it has come to be a stand-in for old-style environmentalism, which ignores the spiritual aspect of the term and relegates it to primarily a white, privileged idea. Jason Hamilton, associate professor of Environmental Studies and Science, will lead a discussion on taking back the word "sustainability" and using it in the sense in which it was intended - a concept that focuses on creating a society that supports physical health, emotional health, and spiritual health, amongst others. The Tuesday Salon is a Handwerker Gallery program aimed at providing students, faculty, staff, and members of the community a forum outside of the classroom for intellectual discussion and debate. Topics are selected by a guest discussant, who provides a 10-minute introduction and moderates the ensuing conversation. For more information please contact Anna Pattis at
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