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Marilyn Dispensa recently co-authored a paper entitled "A Simulation for Teaching the Basic and Clinical Science of Fluid Therapy" recently published in the journal, Advances in Physiology Education.

Prior to coming to work for Information Technology Services as the Instructional Technology Coordinator, Marilyn worked at Cornell for the Faculty Innovation in Teaching Program.  In collaboration with faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine, a simulation was created using the dynamic modeling software, STELLA  to help vet students practice fluid management in dogs.

A description of this work as well as the evaluation with students was published in the journal, Advances in Physiology Education.

The Citation is: Advan. Physiol. Edu. 33: 202-208, 2009
*A simulation for teaching the basic and clinical science of fluid therapy*
Richard E. Rawson, Marilyn E. Dispensa, Richard E. Goldstein, Kimberley W. Nicholson and Noni Korf Vidal**

To read the full text go to

Congratulations Marilyn!

Marilyn Dispensa, ITS, Co-Authors Paper Published in "Advances in Physiology Education" Journal | 1 Comments |
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Marilyn Dispensa, ITS, Co-Authors Paper Published in "Advances in Physiology Education" Journal Comment from cmichael on 10/10/09
I'm impressed! Congratulations. Cathy