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Lis Maurer, LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services Program Director, and Rebecca Plante, Associate Professor of Sociology will discuss their new book, Doing Gender Diversity: Readings in Theory and Real-World Experience. Belisa Gonzalez, Assistant Professor of Sociology, will also read from her chapter, “Can’t We All Just Move Beyond? Everyday Manifestations of the Black-White Binary.” The event is from 6 - 7 p.m. Friday, October 23, at "Buffalo Street Books" in the DeWitt Mall, 215 N. Cayuga St, Ithaca. Light refreshments will be served and books will be available.


 About the book…


What is gender diversity? Doesn't diversity often mean a focus on people who vary from typically gendered people, like intersex people and drag queens? What would it mean to talk about gender diversities. Maurer and Plante demonstrate the multiple ways in which the universe of gender is socially, culturally, and historically constructed. The book focuses on both hegemonic and transgressive gender development, roles, identities, and practices.


Get more information, along with a table of contents, at

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