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Career Services Staffing Changes.

Contributed by John Bradac on 10/22/09 

The Office of Career Serivces would like to announce two staffing changes for the office.  After two national searches Jennifer Kellington was named the Assistant Director for Career Development and Caryanne Farley was selected as Career Counselor.

In April of this past year Jennifer Kellington previous Career Counselor, was selected from a very competitive pool to become the Assistant Director Development.  Kellington previously held the position of Career Counselor at Ithaca College. Upon Jennifers promotion, a national search for a Career Counselor ensued and Ms. Caryanne Farley was selected for the position.  Caryanne seved most recently as the Director for Career Services at Keuka College.  Caryanne holds a masters degree from Elmira College.  Welcome Caryanne and congratulations Jennifer!

Career Services Staffing Changes. | 1 Comments |
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Career Services Staffing Changes. Comment from clechle1 on 10/24/09
Congrats Jen and Caryanne!