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This year, you can make FLEFF and not just watch FLEFF. Sign up for our brand new DIIS/FLEFF mini-course-- a lab for open space, open inquiry, and open media. You're not just a student in FLEFF Lab. You're an interlocutor, an innovator, and part of our FLEFF  team.

FLEFF LAB: The Open Space Project

One credit mini course (open only for Ithaca College students)  Credit: Pass/Fail

CRN# 43172, Course#  DIIS -12000-01 is a block one FLEFF Lab for first
year students.

CRN# 43174, Course # DIIS-12000-02 is a block one FLEFF Lab for
sophomores, juniors and seniors


Offered Block I, Spring 2010
Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies

FLEFF LAB: The Open Space Project

Course Description:

This course explores the concept of open space through a range of theories and practices of social media, social networking, emerging technologies, user-generated content, and other structures. Students will engage in group projects that combine conceptual investigation of open space modes with digital interfaces and social media. Finished projects and prototypes will be mounted on the FLEFF website. Course will be team taught by new media theorist/designers.

Students will work on projects probing open space that will be judged by an international jury of new media artists and practitioners who will award prizes to the top projects for their innovation, execution, and conceptual moxy.  It's a chance to get your work and ideas seen by the top thinkers and do-ers in the field of new media across the globe. It's a chance to be part of larger conversation about things that matter, where the classroom is just one nodal point in a network of people, ideas, and flows.

What you get from FLEFF OPEN SPACE LAB:

  •  FLEFF OPEN SPACE LAB is  a think tank and innovation cluster to consider open space 
  •  FLEFF OPEN SPACE LAB is an unique experience you can list on your resume.
  • You are a MEMBER of FLEFF LAB and not simply a student. 
  • You are a RESEARCH TEAM member of FLEFF LAB
  • Connections and engagement with internationally renowned new media artists and thinkers

How to enroll:

  • We will open 40 seats for two sections of this course during Fall registration(20 per section) 
  • Two sections. One section is reserved for first year students and has 20 seats. The other section is for sophomores, juniors and seniors and has 20 seats.
  • Don't wait until Spring--we anticipate high demand for this one-time only think tank immersion mini-course.
  • This year, we will not be offering the FLEFF internship one credit courses.
  • Students who are former or future interns should enroll in FLEFF LAB.
  • For more information, contact Patricia Zimmermann, codirector, FLEFF, at with the subject line "FLEFF LAB"

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