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The members of the First-Year Experience Coordinating Committee would like to invite all first-year students to attend a series of events designed to highlight the wonderful speakers, events and performances that happen on our campus. Any first-year student wearing their FYE t-shirt to these events will be eligible to register to win a Dell 10V mini netbook. Go to the FYE table at each event to fill out your raffle ticket to register. You can register only once at each event, but there is no limit to how many FYE events you may attend! SO GO TO THEM ALL FOR MORE CHANCES TO WIN!!! Our next first-year event: Professor Ogeltree's talk, entitled “Mentoring Barack Obama: From Law School to the White House,” will discuss his relationship with President Obama. If you are a first-year student who did not receive your free FYE t-shirt yet, you can pick up a t-shirt at the FYE tables at each event or e-mail to request your free shirt. Please continue to check for future announcements and new chances to register to win!! ~~~KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR OUR SPRING LINE-UP OF FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE EVENTS AND NEW CHANCES TO REGISTER TO WIN A NEW PRIZE!!~~~ |
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