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Getting hands-on experience is an important part of your college career and the new "Class of 2008 Internship Scholarship" can help make that experience financially possible for you.

Students planning to complete an unpaid internship during the spring or summer of 2010 are encouraged to apply for this scholarship.  While the application is not due until February 19, please note that it requires an essay, resume and documentation of your internship plans.

Click here for further details and visit Career Services (1101 Gannett Center) to pick up your application form.

Students planning to intern in Washington, D.C. during the summer of 2010 should also consider applying for the Washington, D.C. Scholarship for Summer Interns.

~Be in the know - follow iccareers on Twitter, join our Facebook Group and check our blog.  Now is the time to plan for your future.~

Scholarship Money Available for Student Interns - announcement from Career Services | 0 Comments |
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