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One of the easiest ways to help out this winter!

We'll be collecting personal hygiene products on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week (12/8-12/10) in the North Foyer of Campus Center (outside of Emerson Suites). If you have or can purchase any unopened personal care items - deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, dish soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. - just bring them to our table and donate them! We'll deliver these items to Catholic Charities of Tompkins-Tioga, an organization downtown that has a Samaritan Center and personal care item closet. 

 This is important because of the invisible poverty that permeates Tompkins County - families who have homes but who can't afford to put food on the table or keep their houses stocked with toothpaste and toilet paper. Many of these low-income families qualify for government-backed food stamps, but these can't be used to purchase non-food items like these hygiene products. Help these families get access to these essential items by donating to our drive!

Email any questions to Adam Polaski, the drive's coordinator, at And read more about the need for personal care products in Tompkins County at my blog, Pocket Full of Change:’t-end-at-hunger-relief/

 Donate to the Personal Care Products Drive! | 0 Comments |
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