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The Office of the Registrar has undergone reorganization effective February 1, 2010. The staff members in the office have been doing very good work but we reviewed our organizational structure to determine where we could be even more effective and efficient. In working with the Office of Human Resources this past fall semester, we looked at the work we do, how we do it, why we do it, and what we might do differently. It was important to be sure we have positions defined appropriately to best utilize resources, skills, and talents. The process was interactive and involved the entire staff. The result is a structure that will provide greater effectiveness by having individual staff members become responsible for overseeing entire processes, with a fully trained back-up staff member, which will lead to improved service. Training of the entire staff begins next week. Please refer to the list below for staff members and their new titles along with their new major responsibilities: Registrar - Brian Scholten Associate Registrar - Lorie Holmes-VanDusen Information Systems Manager - Tinita Wheaton Assistant Registrar for Curriculum – Monica Morse Assistant Registrar for Student Services – Kristyn Lingenfelter Credit Evaluation Coordinator - Marcia Burgess Scheduling Coordinator - Stu Fegely Registration Coordinator – Kasey Huddle Certification Specialist – Charlotte Richardson Student Services Specialist - Alison Thomas |
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