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Ithaca College will host the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) on March 31-April 2, 2011. This conference hosts approximately 2,000 students and their faculty mentors to present their research through posters, oral presentations, visual arts and performances. The executive committee for NCUR 2011 has already begun its planning work for this large conference and we are presently seeking faculty who would like to be involved in the organization of the academic sessions. Three academic committees will be assembled: Abstract Review Committee (10-12 members): This group will identify and organize faculty reviewers of submitted abstracts and oversee the online abstract review process which will take place in December 2010. Oral Sessions Committee (5-6 members): This group will organize accepted abstracts into themes for the program planning team and will also identify faculty who will serve as session moderators. Poster Sessions Committee (2 members): This group will organize accepted poster abstracts into themes for the poster session and will also identify volunteers that will oversee the poster sessions. Faculty willing to take on leadership roles in this effort may receive release time during the spring semester of 2011. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Susan Swensen, Biology Department ( or 274-3511. |
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