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The Office of the Provost is currently seeking a faculty member to serve as our Coordinator for Faculty Development. Susanne Morgan, Associate Professor of Sociology, having served in this role for many years, and having done an exceptional job in this position, will be closing this chapter of her career at the end of this academic year; her long and dedicated service is very much appreciated. The Coordinator is responsible for a variety of faculty development activities at IC, including gathering information resources, facilitating working groups and peer-to-peer interactions, scheduling events, identifying speakers and presenters, serving as liaison to related campus committees, and representing the College at faculty development conferences. As we move forward with implementation of the Faculty Commons, an ambitious and innovative blend of face-to-face and online faculty development activities and resources, the Coordinator’s role will become even more critical to the institution’s long-term success. Faculty with an interest in and commitment to faculty development are encouraged to consider serving in this position. There is a half-time course load reassignment associated with this role to support the Coordinator’s work during the academic year, and a stipend available for summer work. Faculty members wishing to be considered for this appointment should provide a letter of interest and a current copy of their curriculum vitae to Associate Provost Carol Henderson by email at no later than Friday, March 5th. |
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