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Congratulations to Residential Life “Of the Block Award” Winners. It is with great pleasure that the RA Recognition Committee announces the winners of the Block 3 Awards.


Resident Assistant of the Block

Winner has demonstrated outstanding work in the position and can be considered role models to both their residents and other RAs.  By going above and beyond others’ expectations of them, this RA deserves to be recognized for their commitment and excellence in the position.

  • Kiersten Irwin, Emerson Hall and Garden Apartments (EmGar)


Staff Member of the Block

Winners are team-players and consistently done good work on their staff.  This one outstanding member of the staff sets the standard for everyone and provides critical motivation to the rest of the staff. There are multiple winners because each staff can be presented in this award.

  • Erica Plofsky; Hood, Holmes,  Hilliard, Eastman (3HE)
  • Jade Pratt, Circle Apartments
  • Katie Rausch, East Tower
  • Ruthie Goff, West Tower
  • Sheraz Iqbal; Landon, Bogart, Lyon, Clark (LBLC)
  • Courtney Violanti, Terraces 1-4
  • Megan Wright, Terraces 9-12


DoorTag of the Block

Winners for Door Tag consist of the most creative, attractive, and useful door tags on campus.  It should be clear that the creator put a great deal of time and effort into them and that residents enjoy them.

  • Dan Weller- Wild Life DoorTags


Community of the Block

Winners are floors, buildings, clusters, or areas on campus that have a unique cohesiveness.  These communities may participate in numerous activities together or may just be a very comfortable and fun environment to be in.

  • LBLC Staff


Program of the Block

The winning program is the most creative, fun, well-attended, and purposeful programs that have taken place this block.  These programs should demonstrate the time and effort put in to plan them and a strong reception from attendees.

  • The Circles staff- “The Price is Right”


Bulletin Board of the Block

The winning board clearly shows the creator(s)’ ingenuity, creativity, and effort.  These boards may provide crucial information for residents, or may be the entertainment that brightens their day.

  • “Spotlight on Endangered Species", "How to Save the Ocean" and "How to Save the Rainforest by Devan Johnson


Personal Achievements this Block

Winners for Personal Achievement should have triumphed through a personal challenge or received an honor for a non-Residential Life related endeavor. We recognize these achievements to celebrate our Resident Assistants not only as community builders, but also as positive role models and active members of the campus community!

  • Rachel Paige, BRT


Resident Director of the Block

This Residence Director has demonstrated outstanding work in the position.  They are consistently reliable, helpful, creative, and serve as a great role model for their staff and residents.  RDs hold us all together, and for that they should be recognized!

  • Aaron Escobedo, LBLC


Please congratulate these winners when you see them on campus. They have worked hard to create a positive residential community at Ithaca College.








Residential Life "Of the Block Award" Winners Announced! | 0 Comments |
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