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On Wednesday, April 14, at 7 pm, the public is invited to join renowned Colombian journalist Claudia López in Klingenstein Lounge for a 30-minute lecture entitled, “Methods of State Capturing by Mafias and Illegal Armed Groups in Colombia.” Lopez will discuss the paramilitaries’ successful efforts to co-opt Colombian political processes

Her lecture will be followed by a 30-minute question and answer session. Ashley Dennis and Jacqueline Simone, IC students who organized this event, explain, “Presently, Colombia continues to receive the third largest amount of military aid from the United States in spite of the fact that several human rights organizations have called for the termination of U.S. aid until human rights violations in Colombia desist.  Claudia López will examine new facets to this increasingly complicated situation and shed light on the unique role played by the United States.” The event is sponsored by Park Center for Independent Media, the Journalism Department, the Politics Department, and Latin American Studies.  For more information contact Ashley Dennis at

Courageous Colombian journalist to speak about paramilitaries’ role in politics | 0 Comments |
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