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Ithaca College senior Joseph Fraioli spoke in Washington, DC at a Congressional Briefing Luncheon on the topic of college student mental health and suicide over the weekend of April 23-25, 2010.

Present at the luncheon were various legislative aids, directors of mental health organizations, and representatives from Active Minds, Inc. The presentation focused on legislation that will make treatment for mental illness accessible and affordable for all Americans, as well as the effects of mental health on college students specifically. Other speakers included Alison Malmon Mahowald, Founder and Executive Director of Active Minds Inc., Dr. Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dean Renee DeVigne of the George Washington University Law School, Legislative Aid for Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, and Congressman Patrick Kennedy.

Additionally, Joseph was elected President of the Active Minds Inc. national Student Advisory Committee (SAC). The Active Minds SAC consists of Active Minds chapter leaders from the United States and Canada who work with the national office to plan the annual National Mental Health on Campus Conference, strengthen bonds between chapters, and bring the student voice into planning the future of Active Minds Inc. Joseph is excited to be the SAC President, and will be working closely with the national office over the next year in an an ongoing effort to change the conversation about mental health on college campuses nationwide.

Student Joe Fraioli Speaks at Congressional Briefing | 4 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Student Joe Fraioli Speaks at Congressional Briefing Comment from mdifrancesco on 04/26/10
I am so very proud of you!
Student Joe Fraioli Speaks at Congressional Briefing Comment from kchilds1 on 04/26/10
you did it! so proud.
Student Joe Fraioli Speaks at Congressional Briefing Comment from kwright1 on 04/27/10
Congratulations, Joe! I am so proud of you and the important work you are doing.
Student Joe Fraioli Speaks at Congressional Briefing Comment from clechle1 on 04/28/10
WAY TO GO, JOE! Thanks for legitimate efforts to make a