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If you did not participate on the Ithaca College team last fall when we competed in the national America’s Green Campus Challenge, please go to the Climate Culture website ( and create a new account for yourself. Create your avatar and commit to carbon-reducing strategies for your life at home and your activities at work. Once you have created your Climate Culture account, click on the COMMUNITY tab, select Groups, and sign up for the Cortaca Climate Challenge - Ithaca College team. (Note, please do NOT sign up for the first Ithaca College team listed – sign up for the Cortaca Climate Challenge – Ithaca College team. Thanks!) If you already have an account in Climate Culture, please click the COMMUNITY tab, select Groups, and sign up to join the Cortaca Climate Challenge – Ithaca College team. We need your enrollment on the Cortaca Climate Challenge – Ithaca College team AND your new pledges of carbon emission reductions. Please sign up today! The Cortaca Climate Challenge will run right through the end of this Spring 2010 semester and over the summer, and we will hit the campus community again in the Fall. So keep checking back and updating your Climate Culture account. The campus that has the most enrolled members who have collectively pledged the greatest carbon reductions by the time of the Cortaca Jug game later this fall will win this Cortaca Climate Challenge. Ithaca has won the Cortaca Jug more times in the past than Cortland State - so let's not lose our home-team advantage on this challenge! We Ithacans know how to lighten our environmental and carbon footprint - so reach out to your friends and get them to sign on to the Ithaca College team for the Cortaca Climate Challenge. Let's show the rookies at Cortland State how it's done!!!
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