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Two IC students, Andrew Fry and Sujin Kim, have won Fulbright grants for 2010-2011, and a third IC student, Allison Girasole, has been chosen as an alternate. Andy Fry, graduating this May with a major in English and minors in both German and Writing, will be going to Germany to teach and conduct research with regard to teaching in German high schools, and secondarily, to do research on “die Mauer im Kopf,” or the social and mental division that divides East and West Germans. As part of investigating the deep cultural divide which still exists since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Andy will maintain a blog throughout the project to share what he learns. Andy’s long term plans include a graduate degree in education and further study involving cultural relations. Ithaca College Students Win Fulbright Grants Comment from
fchandra on
Congrats Sujin!
Ithaca College Students Win Fulbright Grants Comment from
rsulliva on
Many congratulations to these three fine students and their remarkable
accomplishments. Ithaca College Students Win Fulbright Grants Comment from
bhanna on
Congratulations to you and thank you for the hard work, commitment and dedication for helping steward our students through this time consuming process. Bashar Ithaca College Students Win Fulbright Grants Comment from
clechle1 on
WOW. That's Fantastic! Thanks to each of you for your
exceptional work! |
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