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A service learning grant through the Foundation for Long Term Care enabled the Gerontology Institute to embrace the College’s (IC)² philosophy in a successful collaboration between schools and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. Over the course of two years, more than 225 students and 9 faculty members from six departments created and participated in activities that benefited older adults throughout the community.


An article reporting results of the project, “Intergenerational Service-Learning with Elders: Multidisciplinary Activities and Outcomes,” was recently published in the Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Education. Co-authors included John A. Krout, Elizabeth Bergman, Mary Ann Erickson, Christine Pogorzala, and Penny Bianconi from the Gerontology Institute. Julie Dorsey, Susan Durnford, Janice Monroe, Jessica Valdez Taves, and Julia Lapp, from the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance were also co-authors, as well as Kathryn Caldwell from the School of Humanities and Sciences.


Collaborative Grant Culminates in Publication | 0 Comments |
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