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In May, 2009 Dining Services unveiled a plan to reduce kitchen energy bills by 30% and reduce its carbon footprint by 26%. Since then students, Sodexo professionals, Ithaca Dining Services and Ithaca College have worked together to complete energy recommendations given in the first report.

Here are just some of the impactful projects completed.


Melink Hoods- installed in Campus Center Dining Hall, Terraces Dining Hall and the Food court control fan levels based on temperature in the kitchen automatically rather than the old system that kept fans running at a constant high speed during work hours.


Walk in cooler and freezer air curtains- Keep cold air in the cooler while the main door is open.


Pre rinse spray nozzle- reduces water flow, literally saves money from washing down the drain.


Coming this summer:

Updated bakery oven- Old oven was on almost 24/7. This oven heats up fast enough for that not to be the case. New oven will save about $19,500 annually making the return on investment 1.8 years.


Based on energy replacement/upgrade projects alone Ithaca Dining Services has reduced energy consumption in kWh by 255,683 kWh and natural gas consumption by 4,433 therms reducing a total of 206.2 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mtCO2e) to date.


“We’re very excited about the progress that has been made and look forward to continuing this initiative in all areas possible; from large replacements to small peer education events, every effort counts.”

            -Stephanie Piech (Environmental Studies ’11, Sustainability Intern)


For additional information contact our sustainability interns:

Energy and Water Conservation Initiative Update: Behind the Scenes at Ithaca Dining Services | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Energy and Water Conservation Initiative Update: Behind the Scenes at Ithaca Dining Services Comment from jablard on 06/17/10
Perhaps Dining Services and Sodexho can use the savings to pay the workers a better salary.