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IC Hope Relay for Life Team Sends Thanks for Your Support and Announces Our Raffle Winners!Contributed by Anne Woodard on 06/18/10 A week ago today Butterfield Stadium was ablaze with pirates, tents, and many shades of purple as Ithaca hosted the Tompkins County Relay for Life for the very first time! Attendees could not stop gushing about the new location...Ithaca was a big hit! At midnight IC Hope pulled the winners of our beautiful pirate themed baskets and had the radio personality on stage pull the winner of our Disney Extravaganza. Who were the lucky winners? Read on! The response to our raffles was overwhelming, and we thank each of you who bought tickets. Here are the winners: Family Movie Night: Nancy Leonard Comfort Care Basket: Don McKechnie Bomber Basket: Marlene Sawbridge Kids' Fun Basket: Roe Fitzgerald FingerLakes Basket: Patty Kerry Hair Products Basket: Jennifer Hink Green Cleaning Supplies Basket: Adelaide Gomer Handmade Mirror: John Sill Meat Basket and Cooler AND Set of DVDs: Penny Bianconi (yes, she won 2!!!) Lottery Basket: Don Pierce Pampered Chef: Lynda Swafford And the lucky Disney winner? Julie Clark of the Occupational Therapy department! IC Hope would like to thank the following for their generous donations both for the Relay itself and for our spring fundraiser, Logan's Run 5k: Ithaca College Bookstore, Ithaca College Offices of Conference & Events Services, Institutional Advancement, and Facilities, Walt Disney Co., Alison Barrett, Candy Ross, Carl Sgrecci, Cayuga XPress and Cayuga Press, Cudlin's Meat Market, Fabina Colon, Gene Smith, IC Hope team, Italian Carry Out and Dolce Delight, Marcia Ervay, Mary Pat Hyland, Noelle Bartolis, Savage Creek, Sodexo, Specialty Trophy & Awards and Tracey Becken-Sherwood. IC Hope could not be more proud of Ithaca's involvement in this year's Relay! Special moments of pride included our very own President Rochon opening the Relay with a wonderful speech, having our very own team members, Andrea McClatchie and Lynne Pierce as part of the event planning committee, having Anthony Hopson, Shelley Semmler and Brian McAree artfully scoop ice cream for us, and seeing familiar faces of friends and colleagues at all the important points of the event! I would personally like to thank each and every one of our incredibly dedicated team members for their enthusiasm, spunk, determination and passion for the event. What an incredible team!!! As a team we had several very important moments at the Relay: Willard Daetsch and his wife Dorothy were chosen to light the Relay torch after President Rochon's speech, Marian Brown and Marc Israel served as judges in the Tompkins' Got Talent competition (I think they both have new careers if they want them!), IC Hope received an award for the top fundraising team (over $15,000 - new team record!), Stan Seltzer was recognized for walking the track for the entire event (something he has done at every Relay!), and a team member was recognized for being a Relay All Star and 2nd place individual fundraiser for raising $4260.77! IC Hope Rocks!!! Thanks again to the entire community for your support...see you next year! IC Hope Relay for Life Team Sends Thanks for Your Support and Announces Our Raffle Winners! Comment from
mbrown on
C'mon, Anne. All of us on the IC Hope Team know - and the world should know, too! - that this unnamed "team member [who] was recognized for being a Relay All Star and 2nd place individual fundraiser for raising $4260.77!" was you, Anne Woodard!!!! Well done for your personal efforts and for leading the IC Hope Team so effectively.
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