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ITS is pleased to announce that effective July 1, 2010 the Student Computer Repair Center (SCRC) will begin offering personal computer repair service for faculty and staff with a valid Ithaca College ID. The SCRC, located in Friends 110, is staffed with trained and certified technicians who can provide affordable and convenient on-campus computer advice and support. Please visit the SCRC web site for a list of services and rates. Payment for services performed on personally-owned faculty and staff computers is subject to New York State sales tax and will be handled through the Ithaca College Bookstore. To pick up a repaired computer, first obtain an invoice from the SCRC, then visit the Bookstore to pay by cash, check, credit card, or ID Express, then return to the SCRC with a paid receipt. Please note, this service offering is only for personally-owned computers as the SCRC will not service any college-owned computers. The SCRC will be open limited hours during the summer; the web site provides the SCRC Summer Schedule. Please see the SCRC site for complete details of this service. SCRC
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