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August 11 Work/Life Lunch-and-Learn: Pick It, Prepare It, Love It!Contributed by Caroline Stull on 07/30/10
Participate in an activity where you will build your own side salad and learn whether what you put onto your plate is really giving you the most “bang for your buck” with nutrition and calories! Healthy smoothie samples will be available for participants to try as well. In partnership with the Cornell Co-Operative Extension, the Office of Human Resources brings this exciting lunch-and-learn to you on August 11th from Noon - 1:00pm in PRW G-52. Bring your lunch and bring a friend! RSVPs are required due to limited seating: x4-3245 or Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Caroline Stull in Human Resources at or x4-3245. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. Work/Life: We believe in the integration of work and life outside of work. |
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