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The locations were listed incorrectly in previous notice.  You may drop off your donations before August 18th at the following locations:

  • Bookstore
  • Peggy Ryan Williams Center (Garden Level)
  • Office of Public Safety (Foyer)

Suggested items are:
Backpacks, lunch boxes, tool boxes, glue stick, box of 24 crayons, washable markers, pens, pencils, loose leaf paper and spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, pocket folders, 2" binders, safety scissors, tissues, cleaning wipes.

If you are an Ithaca College employee in need of assistance with school supplies, please click here for an Application and return to Crystal Young by August 13, 2010. 

Please help us by posting this information in areas where people may not receive electronic notices.

Thank You!

Locations Correction for "Back to School" Donations | 0 Comments |
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