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Dr. Steven Siconolfi, Dean of School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, together with Dr. Hongwei Guan, Assistant Professor from the Department of Health Promotion & Physical Education, and Dr. Quansheng Su from Chengdu Sport University presented the keynote presentation at the 9th Annual Conference for the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness.


The presentation was titled “How Growth & Development Affects Fitness & Health: Western & Chinese Cultures”.  The conference was held in July 16-19, 2010, Beijing, China. The theme of the conference was on exercise, nutrition and health promotion. Participants included scholars and exercise and health professionals from the US, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia and several European countries.

HSHP Dean and faculty member Dr. Hongwei Guan  present at International Conference on Exercise, Nutrition and Health Promotion | 0 Comments |
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