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Duke's Nicholas School is among the world's premier graduate professional schools for the interdisciplinary study of the environment.

Their two-year professional Master's of Environmental Management (MEM) and Master's of Forestry (MF) degrees blend science, business and policy to solve environmental issues. Areas of study include:
• Coastal Environmental Management (CEM)
• Ecosystem Science and Conservation (ESC)
• Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health (EEH)
• Energy and Environment (EE)
• Environmental Economics and Policy (EEP)
• Forest Resource Management (FRM)
• Global Environmental Change (GEC)
• Water and Air Resources (WAR)

To learn more about these programs, you can talk with a representative from Duke’s Nicholas School on Wednesday, September 8 at the following times and places:
• Tabling during the day in the Campus Center
• Info session at 5 p.m. in the Career Services Resource Center, Muller 101

Duke's MEM and MF degrees train and prepare future environmental scientists, leaders in environmental policy and ecosystem managers. Their graduates dominate national policy and are widely employed in industry, government and not-for-profit NGO's. For more information, visit:

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Caryanne Keenan at (607) 274-3365 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Career Services Presents: Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment Coming to Campus! | 0 Comments |
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