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 The IC Buddhist Community will be holding our first meditation Tues., Sept. 14, at 7:30pm in Muller Chapel! 

  The IC Buddhist Community is a non-denominational 'sangha' (Buddhist community), which seeks to 1) Give Buddhists a place to practice, learn, and teach, 2) Give all a moral support network, 3) Educate and dispel myths/stereotypes about Buddhism. 

We are entirely member run, and each meditation is led by a member of a different denomination of Buddhism. This presents all with the full scope of Buddhism and fosters education and harmony between our varying traditions. We also will have a new 'dharma' (Buddhist teachings) talk/discussion each week, where we will learn the dharma and see how this applies to our modern lives. The dharma talk this week: "What it means to be Buddhist." 

ALL are welcome to attend our meetings--Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. All can benefit from meditation and Buddhist philosophy without converting. Our goal is NEVER to convert others--Buddhism celebrates the beauty of religious diversity, while staying true to its own practices. 

So come join us Tues., Sept. 14th, at 7:30pm at Muller Chapel if you're interested. If you have questions, contact us via: 

1) Our President:

2) ICLink

3) Our FaceBook (


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact IC Buddhist Community at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

 IC Buddhist Community's First Meditation!  | 0 Comments |
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