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Several instances of lgbt bullying and tragic events have occurred throughout the nation during the last few days, affecting K-12 and college students.  Worried?  Confused?  Angry?  Sad?  Here are a few simple things you can do right now:

1) Learn more about what's happened during the last few days in the news, and hear from friends and allies who are speaking out.

2) Add your name to the "Out and Allied" ad that will run in the Ithacan later this month, and ask your friends, faculty, and staff to do so too - Contact Cat K, to have your name included.  The deadline is soon, so don't delay!

3) Access resources if you need them -
  the LGBT Center
  the Counseling Center
  In case of emergency
  Trevor Project hotline and live chat

4) Get involved in one or all of our 4 LGBT-themed student organizations, or the House of Roy living/learning community.

5) Know that you are loved.  Many people on campus, in the greater Ithaca community, and throughout the country, care about you.  Talk with each other, support each other, seek help if needed, and know you are loved.

LGBT bullying and tragic events in the news  - what you can do | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
LGBT bullying and tragic events in the news  - what you can do Comment from rlesses on 10/01/10
Lis - thank you so much for posting this. This is a really important message to be sending out right now.
LGBT bullying and tragic events in the news  - what you can do Comment from dharper on 10/01/10
Thanks especially, Lis, for reminding us about point #5.