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ATTN IC undergraduates! Win a FREE Ithaca College undergraduate 2011 summer sessions course (up to three credits) or FREE on campus summer housing (up to five weeks). Your choice!

Here's how it works. Just wear your Ithaca College Summer Sessions Tshirt every Tuesday in October. That's every Tuesday in October and the IC Summer Session Tshirt Police will find you!

Here are the dates we'll be on the prowl:

  • Tuesday, October 5
  • Tuesday, October 12
  • Tuesday, October 19
  • Tuesday, October 26

A total of up to TEN prizes will be awarded.

Don't have a Summer Sessions TShirt? Beg, borrow or steal! This contest is not to be missed.

See Summer Sessions GIVEAWAY for details and restrictions.


Summer Course Giveaway starts TOMORROW! | 0 Comments |
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