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The large number of students using test accommodations through Student Disability Services during finals week necessitates careful planning for adequate test space, proctors, readers, scribes, and to ensure test security. Faculty can assist the SDS staff by observing the following procedures: 2. Deliver exams to 110 Towers Concourse a minimum of 24 hours before the test is to be administered. If this is not possible, please call the office (274-1257) and indicate when the exam will be delivered. Due to the large number of tests taking place during finals week, most exams are administered in locations outside our office, and we need to have them delivered to the test site well before the exam seating. If you can't deliver the test until close to the exam seating, you may need to deliver it directly to the test site. 5. Please remember to include special instructions (e.g. open book/open notes), blue books, and Scantron sheets with the exams. 6. Whenever possible, please send images, photos, etc. on a CD or a flash drive so that we can avoid use of the internet to access these resources. This helps ensure test security and accurate materials for the student during testing, e.g. pictures for art history exam. |
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