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Get dirty.

Contributed by Jennifer Wofford on 11/30/10 

This course very well may be one of the highlights of your college career.

We will go outside to learn natural history, local history, & ecology, by learning "primitive" technologies such as starting fires by rubbing sticks together, making natural rope, utilizing edible & medicinal plants, animal tracking and shelter building.

With an emphasis on developing our awareness to be able to perceive subtle changes in the environment, you will learn how to go beyond being a "tourist" even in your own backyard to become "native" to you place. Open to all, no experience required. Just a willingness to learn-by-doing and engage fully in the experience.

Take Environmental Sentinels (ENVS 12000, 4 credits) this winter session.

All prerequisites waived! Open to all majors.

ENVS 12000 Schedule
Mon 1/10 - Thurs 1/13 10am-4pm;
Fri 1/14 5am - 4pm;
Tues 1/18 - Wed 1/19 10am-4pm;
Thurs 1/20 10am-9pm.

Visit for more information.

Register online NOW through HomerConnect.

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