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Career & Internship Connections is an annual series of job & internship fairs (including afternoon interviews!) that take place in January.  Students who are interested in career opportunities in NYC, Boston, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Chicago should plan to attend the events.

While the application deadline for pre-scheduled interviews has passed, you may still meet with employers during the morning fair and possibly schedule a same-day interview!  Students should create an account on the CIC website to view the complete list of organizations that are registered for the fair.  By creating an account, you'll be alerted to any newly registered companies, newly posted opportunities or updated information about the events.  You'll need to use the access token of 'CIC2011' to create your account.

Opportunities exist for students in many industries.  The following list is just a sampling of the 249 companies who will be in attendance (please note that companies typically attend just one CIC fair, depending on where their office is located):

Environmental Defense Fund
FOX News Channel
Grassroots Campaigns, Inc.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New England Aquarium
Simon & Schuster
Standard & Poor's
State Street Corporation
Time Inc.
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
WNBC Local Media

Be sure that you research the companies who will be in attendance at your chosen fair and come prepared with tailored copies of your resume (get help creating your resume during daily drop-ins in Career Services).

Please note that CIC Fairs are separate events from the Ithaca College Alumni & Student Network Nights, which also take place during Winter Break.  However, the CIC & Network Night events take place on the same day in NYC and on consecutive days in Boston.  Register here for Network Nights.

For further information on any of our upcoming events, please contact Career Services at or stop by our office located in 101 Muller Center.

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249 Companies Recruiting at CIC, the Winter Break Career Fairs sponsored by Career Services | 0 Comments |
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