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WE HAVE A WINNER!! FYE has selected a winner of the Apple iPad!!!Contributed by Joelle Albertsman on 12/08/10 The First-Year Experience has randomly selected a winning ticket for the prize of an Apple iPad drawn from all of the entries submitted by first-year students who attended our FYE featured events this past fall semester! Please help us in congratulating Meredith Atwater as the winning first-year student of a brand new Apple iPad! We would also like to take this time to thank everyone who was involved to help make the FYE Events successful! There are far too many to name, but you all know who you are and all of us at FYE would like to send out a great big THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Without the folks who offered their already planned events as featured events for FYE, without our volunteers, without our supervisors and committee members, and most certainly, without our first-year students, we wouldn't have such a cause for celebration! Sending out a wish to all of our first-year students to please have a restful and enjoyable winter deserve it! And we look forward to your return for the spring semester when we will be announcing our next line-up of FYE Showcase Events!!
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