MLK Week Educational Workshops
Get an early start on your credits for the Student Leadership Institute by attending these four outstanding MLK-themed workshops. Students must register through the SLI website to receive SLI credit. Don't forget to bring a lunch! Only cookies and beverages will be provided.
Bystander Behavior: Understanding the Phenomenon to Address the Fierce Urgency of Now, presented by Patrick Walsh, Residence Director
Tuesday, January 25, 12:00pm in Emerson Suite A
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." Sir Edmund Burke said this quote speaking about the experience of being a bystander, a witness to evil and the consequences of playing this role. Why do we allow these moments to pass without taking a stand? Is there such a thing as an innocent bystander? The vocation of this presentation is to address the all too common occurrence of bystander behavior. By understanding the role and consequences of bystander behavior we are better able to address the fierce urgency of now.
Responsibilities of an Indigenous Researcher, presented by Hollie Kulago, Native American Studies, Department of Anthropology
Tuesday, January 25, 12:00pm in Emerson Suite B
A Right Delayed is a Right Denied: Addressing the Issue of Bullying in the Twenty-First Century, presented by The Diversity Peer Educators
Thursday, January 27, 12:00pm in the Ithaca Falls Room
When you see someone being bullied, what do you do? Do you just stand there without saying a word? Or do you take action and say something? Recently, there have been recurring instances of harassment and bullying throughout the country. The Diversity Peer Educator Program (DPE) will examine past scenarios of bullying, and talk about ways in which students might have responded effectively to such events. In addition, DPE will provide students with a variety of ways in which they can address instances of bullying and harassment that exist around them.
Newest Urgencies, presented by Dr. Zillah Eistenstein, Professor, Humanities and Sciences
Thursday, January 27, 12:00pm in the Taughannock Falls Room
An opportunity to think and rethink with MLK the newest meanings of "urgency" and how they are defined in this present moment given the economic crisis so many are facing, and the two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
MLK Week Full List of Events
Monday, January 24
Kick-off Event
Featuring President Tom Rochon, the first-year MLK Scholars, and Civil Rights Pioneer Dorothy Cotton
Emerson Suites, 4:00-6:00pm
MLK Celebration Concert
Performed by School of Music students
Ford Hall, School of Music, 7:30pm
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Social Justice & Community Involvement Fair
Clark and Klingenstein Lounges, 11:00am-2:00pm
“Bystander Behavior: Understanding the Phenomenon to Address the Fierce Urgency of Now”
Presented by Patrick Walsh, Residence Director for the H.O.M.E. (Housing Offering a Multicultural Experience) Program
Emerson Suite A, 12:00-1:00pm
“Responsibilities of an Indigenous Researcher”
Presented by Hollie Kulago, pre-doctoral fellow in Native American Studies
Emerson Suite B, 12:00-1:00pm
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Faith & Social Justice Panel Discussion
Textor 102, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Thursday, January 27, 2011
“A Right Delayed is a Right Denied: Addressing the Issue of Bullying in the Twenty-First Century”
Presented by The Diversity Peer Educators
Ithaca Falls Room, Campus Center, 12:00-1:00pm
“Newest Urgencies”
Presented by Zillah Eisenstein, Professor of Politics
Taughannock Falls Room, Campus Center, 12:00-1:00pm
Friday, January 28, 2011
Performance by Brave New Voices poets Simone Crew, Angel Nafis, and B. Yung
Emerson Suites, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Saturday, January 29, 2011
MLK Day of Service
Emerson Suites, Ithaca College, 9:00am-4:00pm
Open to IC students only. Visit to register.
Hands of Hope Project: This campus-wide art project will be taking place during all MLK Week events.
For more information, visit the MLK Week website or contact a member of the MLK Week Committee: John W. Rawlins III, Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Jen Walsh, Sarah Schupp, or Don Austin.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact OSEMA at 607-274-3222. We ask that requests be made as soon as possible.