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Amidst the hustle and bustle of school life, students might forget about the importance of caring for their mental well-being. Here at Ithaca College, friends and peers live amongst us in unspoken suffering – a quiet struggle with stress and mental illness that often leaves us feeling helpless and alone. It is time to break that silence. Active Minds, an organization on campus, aiming to stomp out the stigma of mental illness, brings you the Speak Your Mind (SYM) Panels. Created in the spring of 2010, the SYM panels comprise of IC students from all walks of life, who have gathered to share their stories of hardships and triumphs pertaining to personal mental health or issues with people close to them. We tackle a variety of topics, such as counseling, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, and much more. In the past, we have held panels for psychology classes, IC staff, and mental health groups in downtown Ithaca; and we are always open to expanding our locations. All SYM panelists are trained and proficient in telling their stories, answering questions about personal experience, and making connections between contemporary mental health issues and their background.
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