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Don't miss it! Free HIV Testing today, Friday March 4th.

10am - noon: By appointment only. Call 607-274-3136.

12:30 - 2:30pm: Walk-ins. First come, first served.

Appointments, sign-in, and testing are anonymous.

Location: Center for Health Promotion, Lower Level, Hammond Health Center.

Please note: If you already made an appointment for last Friday, please confirm that you will be available at the same time today. Otherwise, your appointment slot will be given away. To do so, call the Office of Counseling and Wellness at 607-274-3136.

Questions? Contact Nancy Reynolds in the Center for Health Promotion by email at or phone at 607-274-7933.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations may contact Nancy Reynolds in the Center for Health Promotion at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Free HIV Testing Today- Friday, March 4th 10am - 2:30pm | 0 Comments |
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