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...then your organization must participate in the Spring Budget Process!

411 on Spring Budget Process

 February 28

Textor 102


This session is mandatory for presidents and treasurers of organizations wanting to participate in the Spring Budget Process. Attendance will be taken, and proposals will only be accepted once each officer has attended a session. It is intended to guide organizations through requesting funds for the following academic year. This particular budget process is specifically for operational funds for the Fall of the 2011-2012 academic year and programming funds for events through the first two weeks in October. Questions regarding the Spring Budget Process Funding Session, please email  



Come to other Leading @ IC events to enhance your student organization's understanding of processes and policies to create a more successful organization, while earning Student Leadership Institute Credit!

For Credit towards the SLI Leading @ IC track, you must register at BUT registration is not required to attend.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs at 607-274-1692. We ask that requests for accommodation be made as soon as possible.


 Already planning events for next year? Need money to run the event? | 0 Comments |
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