sections |
Physical Therapy faculty and students participated in the APTA Combined Sections MeetingContributed by Helene Larin on 03/08/11 A group of faculty and students from the Department of Physical Therapy participated in the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2011. The faculty included: Drs. Barbara Belyea, Kathleen Buccieri, Michael Buck, Hilary Greenberger, Tiffany Hilton, Jeff Houck, Hélène Larin, Christine McNamara, Deb Nawoczenski, Michael Pagliarulo, Andrew Robinson, and Cynthia Zablotny. Faculty, colleagues, and students offered several presentations: Host H, Hilton T, Sinacore D. Measuring Change in Physical Frailty After Progressive Resistance Training in Elderly, Community-Dwelling Adults. Kneiss JA, Houck J, Hilton TN, Bukata S. The Effect of a Weighted Vest on Participants with Hip Fracture during a Sit to Stand Task. Poole T, Kneiss J, Hilton T, Houck J. Reliability of Isometric Hip Strength in Subjects Post Hip Fracture and Healthy Controls. Greenberger, H. Instructional Use of Video Podcasts for Learning Clinical Examination Techniques Larin, H., Doyle, K., Ferris, M., Lepkowski, P., Marangella, J., Wessel, J. Emotional-social intelligence in physical therapy faculty members and its relationship to caring, leadership, and moral judgment. Larin, H., Dennis, C., Stansfield, S. Use of the Wii and Robot for Infant Mobility Experience. Buck, M., Pfrehm, J., PT 2.0: Bringing Web 2.0 Technology into the Classroom. Belyea, B., Buck, M., McNamara, C. Sim. PT: Developing and using a Virtual PT Clinic to enhance PT student education. Pagliarulo MA, Douglas M, Fabrikant A, Frankel L, Hernandez P, Kelly K, Popp H, Collins J. Important Professional Behaviors in Physical Therapy Students: Perceptions of Students. Houck, J., Kneiss, J. The Effect of a Weighted Vest on Participants with Hip Fracture during a Sit to Stand Task. Houck. J., Poole, T. Reliability of Isometric Hip Strength in Subjects Post Hip Fracture and Healthy Controls. Nawoczenski, D., Riek, L.M., Ludewig. P.M. Shoulder Kinematics during Glenohumeral Elevation in Individuals with Paraplegia and Impingement and an Able-bodied Cohort. Fisher B, McCarthy A, Zablotny C. Neurologic Residency Roundtable. Faculty and students also participated in several APTA Committees and House of Delegates, and we hosted an ICPT Alumni Reception. |
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