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Anthropology faculty and students present at the Northeastern Anthropological Association Meeting, March 25-27.Contributed by Jack Rossen on 04/01/11
Seven students presented papers on a wide range of topics from American Buddhism, backpacking culture, beach ethnography and integrative approaches for ADD/ADHD and childhood cancer, to changing gender roles and art forms in India. Two of the sessions were organized and chaired by faculty members Brooke Hansen and Denise Nuttall, who also presented papers on recent ethnographic work in Ithaca and India. Jennifer Muller presented a co-authored paper on paleopathological data from her research with the Newburgh, New York, African American burial ground. The trip was funded by the Educational Grant Initiative, the Diversity Awareness Committee, the Provost’s Office and the Anthropology Department’s Fitchen Fund. Faculty Organized Panels: Organized Panel: Anthropological Approaches to Integrative Health: Critical Perspectives on Health Care, Power and Alternatives, Organized and Chaired by Brooke Hansen (Ithaca College)
Kielley, Meaghan (English Major, Integrative Health Studies Minor), A Comparative Study of Holistic/Alternative Approaches to ADD/ADHD versus Pharmaceutical/Drug-Based Approaches to ADD/ADHD
Platt, Sara (Anthropology Major) Physician and Survivor Perspectives on the Emotional and Physical Late Effects of Childhood Cancer
Hansen, Brooke, Critical Medical Anthropology Perspectives on Integrative Medicine: Can We Create Non-Profit Wellness in America?
Organized Panel: Moving Culture: Globalization, Hybridization and Identity Formation in South Asian and American Anthropologies, Organizer and Chaired by Denise Nuttall (Ithaca College)
Falconieri, Valerie (Anthropology Major), Hand Painted Billboards: The Effects of a Dying Art Form in Indian Visual Culture
Danielle Prizzi (Anthropology & Environmental Studies Major), Westernizing Buddhism: The Hybridization of Eastern Spirituality and American Individualism
Aja Houpe (Anthropology Major), Navigating the Contradictions and Dualities of Women’s Roles in Indian Society: An Analysis of Hindu Tradition and Mythology
Nuttall, Denise, Historicizing Anthropology: Cultural Memory, Ethnography and the Re-invention of Tabla
Individual student papers
Bonaros, Alexa (Anthropology Major), Backpacking Culture in Western Europe
Duhancik, Megan (Anthropology Major, Legal Studies Minor), Beach Ethnography: Cultural Landscapes and Conflicts in Hawaii
Muller, Jennifer L., and Kenneth C. Nystrom (SUNY New Paltz), Osteoarthritis as an Indicator of Activity-Induced Stress: Preliminary Results from the Newburgh Colored Burial Ground
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