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Project Look Sharp is IC's Media Literacy initiative with the School of Humanities and Sciences. We host an average of 10 internships per semester and attract students from all majors!  View our diverse list of internships for Fall 2011 below.

Media Construction of Sustainability

Research and obtain documents for our new media literacy curriculum kit, Media Construction of Sustainability in the Finger Lakes Region: Food, Water and Agriculture. Responsibilities will evolve over the term, but will include background research, document identification, curriculum drafting, and contacting local and regional experts on sustainability. This internship will help deepen your understanding of media literacy and help you to acquire media literacy skills through the application of document-based questioning techniques.  This internship will allow you to study the topic of sustainability along with media constructions of sustainability from local and regional perspectives.

Advertising, Health and Violence Prevention Curriculum for K-5

Research media (commercials/other advertising, TV programs, films, Internet websites) for the development of elementary media literacy lessons on advertising, nutrition, body image, gender stereotypes, and bullying and safety issues.  As a K-5 Curriculum Intern, you will help design, edit and format lesson plans.  Additionally, you will learn to digitize visual and video content.  This internship also incorporates testing and evaluating lessons on Advertising, Health, and Violence Prevention in local school districts. 

Media Literacy Classroom Materials

Work with Chris Sperry, Project Look Sharp’s Director of Curriculum and Staff Development, to support teachers and librarians across upstate New York as they create model lesson plans and materials for integrating information literacy and critical thinking into their curriculum.   You will work with teachers to research specific media documents for use in lessons (TV and film clips, print ads, etc.), research web tools and resources for media production in elementary science, assist in managing a wiki, and help support teachers and librarians as they develop lessons during their fall training sessions.

Video Production

Experience with Final Cut Pro or equivalent is required.  Gain experience in video production while working to promote critical thinking about media messages.  As a Video Production Intern, you will create short, but complex instructional videos that teach about media literacy and demonstrate classroom media-decoding methodologies. These instructional videos will be used in workshops and posted on the web.

Promotion and Marketing

Gain experience in marketing and promotion in addition to an understanding of media literacy education as you implement Project Look Sharp’s marking plan.  As a Promotion and Marketing Intern, you will research referral sites and contacts, update our promotional database, use email templates to reach out and follow up with contacts, and research new target groups/contacts for specific marketing campaigns.  You will produce flyers, e-blasts and other promotional materials.  Additionally, you will learn to use website analysis tool Google Analytics and present data to the Project Look Sharp staff.  Promotion and Marketing Interns will advise Project Look Sharp staff on improving social networking outreach along with proposing additional promotional activities.

If interested, go to to fill out an online application or download an application and email to: Sherrie Szeto,  Or, drop off applications to our office in 104 Williams Hall.

Call 607-274-3471 for further questions.


On-campus Media Literacy Internship Opportunities with Project Look Sharp | 0 Comments |
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