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Check out our wide array of offerings, from service learning and field classes this summer to courses on environment, literature, archaeology and political justice in the fall.


During the May summer session (May 16-27) Service Learning in Native America (ANTH 14500) and Race & Ethnicity (SOCI 20700) will be taught. Jack Rossen will also be offering the Archaeological Field School (6 credits) through TC3 from June 2 to July 2. The gateway course for the minor is offered in the Fall, North American Indians (ANTH 27000), by Native American Studies/Anthropology diversity scholar in residence Hollie Kulago. In the Fall, the courses include Cultural Anthropology (ANTH 10400, 8 sections), Native Americans and the Environment (ANTH 27700), People, Plants and Culture (ANTH 25100), Introduction to World Religions (RLST 10500, 3 sections), Political Justice (POLT 12300, 2 sections), Tribes and Scribes (Ithaca Seminar ICSM 10800) and Social Aspect of Sport (SPMM 29500). Other courses with Native content can also be considered for the minor. For a full listing of courses go to "documents" at or contact Brooke Hansen (Anthropology) or 274-3326.


Native American Studies Classes Summer and Fall 2011 | 0 Comments |
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