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The Office of State Grants (CSTEP & HEOP) Wellness Education SeriesContributed by Orlando Kittrell on 04/19/11
You’re Invited! Bring a Date! Bring a Friend! Tell Your Students! Invite Your Partner! Make the Time! Male or Female, Gay or Straight, Bisexual or Transgendered, This One’s for You! “We need a way of thinking about and dealing with this powerful part of life, that doesn’t put us or any of the people we interact with at risk,” Bob Hall.
Wednesday - April 20, 2011 5:30-7pm, Campus Center, Klingenstein Lounge Refreshments Provided 5-5:30pm and 7-7:30pm in Clark Lounge Kindly please RSVP to or call 274-1267 (Office of State Grants)
Copy of promotional material:
***Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the OSG administrative assistant at 607-274-1267. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.
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