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Commencement is just around the corner but before you leave campus, make sure to stay in touch with Ithaca College! Whether you know where you’ll be living after graduation or not, you can always find us. “Like” our Ithaca College Alumni Association Facebook page or follow the latest IC alumni news through our Twitter account: @ICalumni.

With alumni all over the U.S., it’s easy to get connected no matter where you are. Check out your region-based alumni page by following these links:

Ithaca College Community and Local Alumni (central New York)
Los Angeles
Metro New York (New York City/Tristate Area)
New England
Washington Metro Area (Washington, D.C., area)

The Office of Alumni Relations wishes you all the best after Commencement!

Seniors: Stay in Touch with Ithaca College | 0 Comments |
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