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Beginning May 2nd, you will receive an email for all your packages. This includes packages that usually are sent to the mailroom and packages with tracking numbers. We will sort mail into mail boxes and begin to close mail rooms for package pick up. All packages will be picked up at the Phillips Hall Post Office. During Finals week and Senior week, mail will be sorted into mail boxes but the mail rooms will not be staffed. All packages will be picked up at the Phillips Hall Post Office. This includes the packages that you neglected to pick up at your mail room. Mail must be picked up from the residence hall mail rooms (except College Circle Apts.) before 8:30 a.m., Monday May 23th. After that time all mail will be moved to the Mail Center located in the General Services Building. Packages that have not been picked up from the Phillips Hall Post Office by 2:30 p.m. Monday, May 23rd will also be moved to the Mail Center and we will begin forwarding them home or returning them to the senders. Contact Mail Services with questions. 274-3371 |
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