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Do you live in the Southern Tier and commute daily to the Ithaca College campus from a community served by Chemung County Transit? Chemung Transit Route 30X between Elmira and the Cornell campus supports commuters living in or near Elmira, Breesport, Erin, Van Etten, Spencer, Alpine Junction, Lockwood, Van Etten, Spencer and Newfield. Route 30X would drop off commuters at the Green Street transit station (near the Library downtown), allowing connection to TCAT Route 11 to campus. Do you currently ride a Chemung Transit bus to work? Would you like to try commuting to work by bus?

The College will pilot support for our employees interested in riding to work each day on this Chemung Transit route by providing them with a free unlimited ride pass on a monthly basis. 

Because there is a substantial upfront cost to the College associated with providing these unlimited ride passes during this six-month trial period, this commuter support program is intended to meet the needs of those College employees living in the Southern Tier who would plan to regularly use the transit service to travel to/from work. 

Please review carefully the service hours of that Chemung County transit route into Ithaca to ensure that this service would effectively meet your needs in terms of your arrival and departure from work. Learn more about this Route 30X Chemung service route and schedule. You should also consult the TCAT Route 11 schedule to ensure schedule coordination will match your needs.

If you are interested in participating in this Chemung Transit commuting pilot, please contact Marian Brown at or 274-3787 NO LATER THAN NOON ON FRIDAY, MAY 20th.  

During this Chemung Transit commuter support pilot, the program will be monitored in terms of usage, interest and participation to determine if it will be continued.

Chemung Transit Commuter Pilot Program Seeks Interested IC Community Participants | 0 Comments |
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