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Alicia Swords named a finalist for national award for Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career FacultyContributed by Marian Brown on 05/26/11
NERCHE’s annual award is named for Ernest Lynton, who framed faculty scholarly activity as inclusive, collaborative, and problem-oriented work in which academics share knowledge-generating tasks with the public and involve community partners and students as participants in public problem solving. In the notification letter, Dr. Swords’ community-engaged work was noted as a model of the public scholarship that Lynton championed. Alicia Swords named a finalist for national award for Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty Comment from
gacharya on
Congratulations, Alicia!
Alicia Swords named a finalist for national award for Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty Comment from
cdennis on
Congratulations, Alicia! It is great that your work has brought you this well-deserved recognition--here's hoping you get the award!
Carole Dennnis |
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