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Sakai, the new collaboration and learning management solution replacing Blackboard, is now available to faculty for Fall 2011 courses. 

Setting Up Courses

Setting up courses (work sites) in Sakai is very different then Blackboard. To start, go to, login and click on the quick access link to get to Sakai. Click on Worksite Setup and follow the prompts to create a new course site. You don't have to do anything in Homer! For more info see our support site.

Grouping Rosters

When setting up courses in Sakai, faculty will have the option of joining multiple rosters (or sections) to a course; this functionality is similar to the grouping functionality in Blackboard with no Homer interface. For more information see the Sakai support site.

Tools, Training and Support

While Sakai has many similar tools and functions as Blackboard, there are many more options. Faculty members are encouraged to attend training. ITS will be offering two workshops, “Introduction to Sakai” and “Blackboard to Sakai”. These workshops will be offered from the end of July through semester start-up. Click here to register:

Additional drop-in support and consulting will be available in the Center for Educational Technology beginning August 16th. Marilyn Dispensa and Mary Jo Watts are also available for any instructional design questions prior to August 16th.

Additional documentation and support videos are available at

Tests, Quizzes, Question Banks and Course Pack

Sakai handles tests and quizzes differently than Blackboard. If you are giving a high-stakes test or quiz, please touch base with Marilyn or Mary Jo for guidance on the proper test settings.

Question banks can also be imported into Sakai using Respondus. Respondus software is available in the Center for Educational Technology, 1st floor, Job Hall.

If you have been using a course pack in Blackboard, please contact Marilyn or Mary Jo regarding the options in Sakai.


Blackboard will be available until August 2012. All faculty are encouraged to use Sakai for new course creation and to move materials from Blackboard to Sakai by that time.

Thank You

Many thanks to our pilot group participants for working with us over the summer to get this system up and running: Beth Harris, Carol McAmis, Darius Conger, Kelly Dietz, Kevin Murphy, Dick Cowan, Stewart Auyash, Tim Nord, Ann Lynn,  Chip Gagnon, Dennis Charsky, Elizabeth Hall, Maggie Gerrity, Nancy Cornwell, Scott Erickson, Keith Slayden, Nancy Pierce, Vickie Woodhead and Linda Gasser! We are really exicited about the possibilities that Sakai offers!

Please contact the ITS Helpdesk with questions and concerns, (607) 274-1000 or


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